Category Archives: Worshipful Wednesday

Wednesday Double Dose of Good


Today I want to praise God for…

my parents!!! 🙂

Without my parents committment to loving me and teaching me the way I should go, I would be lost and miserable. So, I praise God for choosing the parents he gave me. 🙂


I am also joining in with a fellow blogger Called Rocks In My Dryer as she shares ideas that “work for her”. I will be taking part in this challenge along with many other bloggers. Click on the picture to go see all the other “Works-For-Me Wednesday” ideas!

My Works-for-Me Wednesday idea is something I read in a magazine last summer. When I organize my linen closet, I used to have a mess on my hands.. with sheets from different sets ending up mixed together. Now I use those left over Christmas ribbons or even my daughters old headbands.. to bundle each set together in the closet! Makes it super easy to grab the new complete set! No more searching for the matching pillowcase!!! The entire set is securlely kept to gether keeping my linen closet neat and saving me time when changing sheets.

w4mw-007I’ve also found that rolling big comforters and wrapping an old belt around them to secure them is a great way to keep the blankets from falling out when you grab the one on the bottom. 🙂

Please comment and let me know what works for you!



Filed under organization, Works-for-Me Wednesday, Worshipful Wednesday

Worshipful Wednesday- Intro

My mother used to have a sign in the kitchen that said, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. It sounded so sweet and simple… but for someone who doesn’t even like lemonade… it posed a problem!

There have been many parts of my life that I consider to be lemons… and there were also times that appeared to be lemonade… but still tasted sour in my mouth unknown to those around me.

Regardless of whether I’m carrying lemons or lemonade… I am reminded that the Bible tells me,

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1Thess 5:18

I am trying to remember this verse every day… in all circumstances. 🙂

I have set aside one day a week here on my blog to give thanks publicly… with my Worshipful Wednesday post. I hope that you will join me, either in comments or on your own blog to worship the Lord in ALL things great and small!

Today… I am signing to my Lord the words from a Casting Crowns song

And I’ll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I’ve cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I praise my Father in heaven for teaching me to rely fully on Him for my needs, and for blessing me with 2 beautiful children that warm my heart every day with their love for Christ and all that He has given them.

What are you thankful for? How can you worship the Lord today?

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Filed under Worshipful Wednesday