Super Savin’


Today’s Value:  $145.26

Advertised Publix Savings (mostly BOGO’s): $54.70

Manufactor Coupons: $20.49

Store/Competitor Coupons: $23.00

Total SAVINGS @ Publix: 99.87!!!

Spent: 45.39

Great Deal Roundup:

Chinet Beverage Napkins .99 Advantage Buy – $1 Q from recent insert= FREE (.01 overage) I got 3 of these.

Keep your eye out at your store for the Chinet “lunch” plates too.. they are Advantage buy till tomrrow 2/$4 and there’s a $2 off coupon in the papers which makes them free. Unfortunately my store was all out and I forgot to get a raincheck!

Kellogg’s Fruit Loops BOGO 4.39 – $1 Printable$1 Printable – $1 FOOD LION Q (was in one of my papers last week but not both??? “Racing Winners Circle“)=  1.39/2=.70 a box!!!! And these are the big boxes!!! 🙂

Produce: $5.99

  • 8 ears of fresh corn on the cob $2
  • 2 Cucumbers $1
  • 5lb bag of Red Delicious Apples: $2.99

Used the following coupons: –$1 Target Bag of Apples Q,$1/$5 Produce FLIP, -$1 Peelie (Off produce wyb Lay’s chips) ,-$1 Peelie (off produce wyb Lay’s chips) (Since Lay’s chips were BOGO.. I got to use 2 of these!)

Total actually spent on all my produce- 1.99

Jello Pudding Snacks (in the fridge aisle) 2.00 – $1 FLIP.60 MQ = .40 I grabbed 2.

Keebler Cookies BOGO 3.99-.55 IP -.55 IP= 2.89/2=1.44 box  *If you happen to like Oatmeal Choc Chip as your flavor, you can sweeten this deal even further.  The same link as provided above also prints out $1 off coupons for that flavor. So you will get both for only 1.99 or .99 a box.  (too bad my kids won’t eat oatmeal cookies)

There were lots more deals to be had, but those were my favorite ones this week.

Be sure to  check out Fiddledeedee for coupon matchups… and I also just discovered this site… iheartpublix…  she does a great job finding all the mathcups too!



Filed under Publix

3 responses to “Super Savin’

  1. Fantastic savings–Excellent job!! Thanks for the linkback! I spent $26.94 this week (84% savings)
    Keep up the GREAT work!! Come leave your totals on my site–I finally have a Mr Linkie up!

  2. Hi. You did great. I love shopping at Publix. I have a Mr.Linky up as well. I’d love for you to share your deals for my readers to come check out. This is my first time visiting your blog. Do you post your deals every week? If so please place a link on my blog every Friday. I love checking out pictorials of savings.

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